Goodbye & Thank you..

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby OLDEREK » 15 Jan 2012, 19:53

As from tomorrow I will no longer act as a moderator on here, with the closure of The Shadow Are Here (as requested on another thread by Leslie B) I feel it's the correct time to say good bye from my position here.

It's been a interesting journey over the last few years, and I must say I've enjoyed a lot of it, but some parts need to be forgotten.......Hopefully I will still remain a member under my own name.

To who ever replaces me in the future I wish them all the best.....

As a lot of you know all ready I have started my own site, and it will be going live very very soon, it will not in anyway be in competition with this or any other Shadows related site.........It will just run along side the rest....
I wish you all a happy healthy new year, and may Shadowmusic go on for ever.............Cheers for now.... Olderek

Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby ecca » 15 Jan 2012, 20:10

All the best Spudpicker.
Stick around, the video nears completion at long last.

D'ya think they'll make me a moderator ? I'll sort the buggers out.

Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby roger bayliss » 15 Jan 2012, 20:30

Thanks for all the good work
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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby alanbakewell » 15 Jan 2012, 21:18

"D'ya think they'll make me a moderator ? I'll sort the buggers out".

How does it go? "Poacher turned Gamekeeper"? :D

Bless you Derek. Good luck with your new site.

I look forward to seeing you again the next time we're down there in the sunny south.

I'm pretty sure it's your turn for the coffee.

Cheers, Alan.
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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby Iain Purdon » 15 Jan 2012, 21:39

All the very best Derek. Hope still to see you in the usual places!

Cheers - Iain
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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby Mark Burton » 16 Jan 2012, 14:38


Thank You for all you've done over the years and good luck with your new site

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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby David Martin » 16 Jan 2012, 18:21

Thanks for your support...

Best wishes,

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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby kipper » 16 Jan 2012, 20:44

Derek thanks for what you have done on the site, it must be difficult thing to do at times. hope you dont leave the site altogether. peter

Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby Derek Misselbrook » 07 Nov 2019, 14:08

OLDEREK wrote:As from tomorrow I will no longer act as a moderator on here, with the closure of The Shadow Are Here (as requested on another thread by Leslie B) I feel it's the correct time to say good bye from my position here.

It's been a interesting journey over the last few years, and I must say I've enjoyed a lot of it, but some parts need to be forgotten.......Hopefully I will still remain a member under my own name.

To who ever replaces me in the future I wish them all the best.....

As a lot of you know all ready I have started my own site, and it will be going live very very soon, it will not in anyway be in competition with this or any other Shadows related site.........It will just run along side the rest....
I wish you all a happy healthy new year, and may Shadowmusic go on for ever.............Cheers for now.... Olderek

Well seven years have passed by since my post here in 2012, the biggest thing I think about since then is the amount of people in this Shadows Community that are no longer with us, and the ones that are struggling with their health, I've been very lucky and I hope it continues, so to you all that read this I hope your fit and healthy.............
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Re: Goodbye & Thank you..

Postby scouserjoe2 » 07 Nov 2019, 15:40

Hello Derek,

Good to hear from you, and I hope you are keeping well. We've had a few up and downs here in the past year but the legs are strong and I am still climbing mountains (but just the smaller ones). Haven't played the guitar much, but planning to do more - still very interested.

Very best to you,

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