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PostPosted: 03 Oct 2021, 11:19
by Sothall Mike
Good morning everyone, this is your reminder for our next meeting next Sunday the 10th October. 12 - 4.30pm. This meeting has a more serious significance in that I have it on good authority that the Club - "Hyde Park" WMC is in severe financial trouble and as a result - it may be that we will be looking for a new home. Now we have Irons in the fire and we do have an alternative venue lined up if the worst happens. with this in mind can I ask as many on you as possible attend this meeting so you can all have your say on the proposed venue. We will be speaking to the committee member on the day to get some clarification on the situation. So please - even if you don't play but regularly attend please come along and support us and have your say.

Let's hope we can resolve this to everyone's satisfaction - but either way let's have a great turnout and a great day. If for any reason you can't attend and have any views on the situation please phone me on 0114 3278508 or 07983603250 alternatively PM me on this site.

Kind Regards
Mike Kilner