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Hank on 'Saturday Live'

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2020, 11:59
by RayL
Each week, 'Saturday Live' (Radio 4, Saturdays, 0900 - 10.30) have a feature in which someone well-known introduces their 'heritage tracks' - one track that they inherited and one that they'd like to pass on.

Today (14th November) it was Hank. He chose Rock Island Line and a guitar tune by Alan Holdsworth (sorry, I didn't catch the name).
If you track down the programme on catch-up it was about 5 mins into the 3rd half-hour

Re: Hank on 'Saturday Live'

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2020, 14:49
by Iain Purdon
The track is Joshua by the late Allan Holdsworth. I can see why Hank likes it.

Re: Hank on 'Saturday Live'

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2020, 15:00
by Iain Purdon
Here's a link to the programme. As Ray indicates, it's about 1hr 4 mins in ....

Re: Hank on 'Saturday Live'

PostPosted: 14 Nov 2020, 23:48
by Uncle Fiesta
Iain Purdon wrote: ... I can see why Hank likes it.

I can't.