Unknown Jet Harris track?

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Unknown Jet Harris track?

Postby UlrichS » 15 Oct 2020, 16:57

I recently stumbled across this CD. Track 17 surprised me quite a lot:

C-DEU-ATOP010-s1.jpg (42.96 KiB) Viewed 3342 times
C-DEU-ATOP010-s2.jpg (45.75 KiB) Viewed 3342 times
(67.87 KiB) Downloaded 2390 times

However, when listening it turned out to be Jet's re-recording of Diamonds with Chris Black & The Blackcats from 1987. I still wonder why and how this name change happened.


PS: The asterix indicates that it is a re-recording with the original artist (like several other tunes from this CD).
Last edited by UlrichS on 16 Oct 2020, 10:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Unknown Jet Harris track?

Postby Iain Purdon » 16 Oct 2020, 08:17

I can imagine a conversation between record producer, Mr Harris and ignorant production assistant.
RP: Shall we redo that big hit of yours?
JH (laconically): If you want
PA scribbles on recording log ...
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Re: Unknown Jet Harris track?

Postby UlrichS » 16 Oct 2020, 10:48

Iain Purdon wrote:I can imagine a conversation between record producer, Mr Harris and ignorant production assistant.
RP: Shall we redo that big hit of yours?
JH (laconically): If you want
PA scribbles on recording log ...

:lol: :lol: :D :lol:
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Re: Unknown Jet Harris track?

Postby Teflon » 16 Oct 2020, 14:36

Iain Purdon wrote:I can imagine a conversation between record producer, Mr Harris and ignorant production assistant.
RP: Shall we redo that big hit of yours?
JH (laconically): If you want
PA scribbles on recording log ...

And I'll bet that's not too far from what happened :D

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Re: Unknown Jet Harris track?

Postby GoldenStreet » 16 Oct 2020, 17:32

What's the old saying... many a true word is spoken in jest? :)

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