At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

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At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby drakula63 » 15 Oct 2020, 11:39

Although I realise that it is unlikely to see the light of day, a few more BBC-recorded tracks from the Shads occur to me.

On 31 January 1970, the Shads appeared on 'It's Cliff Richard' on BBC1 and were seen playing Wonderful Land. This was obviously pre-recorded and mimed to. I'll guess that the audio was recorded at the Maida Vale studio shortly beforehand. Also, later in the show there is a dance sequence and we hear the Shads playing Foot Tapper, presumably recorded at the same session. Unique recordings, no doubt, and if they could be located, surely they should be included? Similarly, the instrumental parts for Move It and the Rock n' Roll Medley, from the same show (I'll assume the vocals were live). So at least two more tracks there for the second at the BBC CD! Fingers crossed...
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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby iefje » 15 Oct 2020, 11:49

These performances are indeed quite unique as they feature the line-up of Hank, Brian, John Rostill and Alan Hawkshaw.
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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby Arpeggio » 15 Oct 2020, 11:55

This was a TV performance, not a radio broadcast and so would definitely not be included. TV there's a thought. There is a CD of the soundtrack recordings from a lot of the early 1960s Cliff TV shows....but that is mostly Cliff / Shadows material.

Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby drakula63 » 15 Oct 2020, 12:42

Arpeggio wrote:This was a TV performance, not a radio broadcast and so would definitely not be included.

True... and yet a CD entitled 'The Shadows at the BBC', doesn't necessarily mean that it only has to include stuff recorded for 'radio'. Does it? I would imagine that any tracks recorded at/for the BBC would be eligible for inclusion. Also, I'd be willing to bet that if such tracks were included (especially if they were in stereo) then they'd be a great selling point. I for one would be more than delighted if such performances turned up on CD. There's also that version of Jungle Jam recorded for a Cilla TV show and, come to think of it, the instrumental track for Dance On, recorded for the same show. Might be worth giving this stuff some serious consideration when/if trawling through the archives! That's my view, anyway.
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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby GoldenStreet » 15 Oct 2020, 13:23

Clearly, Hank is caught out by the start of Move it!

Impressive Rostill sideburns, though.

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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby RayL » 15 Oct 2020, 14:08

Ah, the benefits of hindsight!
If those are the Cliff Richard shows that came from the Television Theatre, then I was there.
I was a BBC engineer at that time and I remember that I worked on a Cliff series.
Hank was a guest on occasions and Cliff had a very attractive girl (Cheryl something or other?) as his regular second host.
If there was such a thing as a telephone that worked backwards through time, you could have given me a ring and I would have 'tested the maintenance spare tape machine' by recording Studio Out sound. Perfect 15ips quality!

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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby GoldenStreet » 15 Oct 2020, 16:17

RayL wrote:Hank was a guest on occasions and Cliff had a very attractive girl (Cheryl something or other?) as his regular second host.

Cheryl Kennedy?

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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby Teflon » 16 Oct 2020, 14:46

GoldenStreet wrote:
RayL wrote:Hank was a guest on occasions and Cliff had a very attractive girl (Cheryl something or other?) as his regular second host.

Cheryl Kennedy?


I think you're right, she's certainly listed in an episode here:

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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby JimN » 16 Oct 2020, 15:41

Cheryl Kennedy was a well-known actress and singer noted for appearances in the West End musicals.

She was also one of a sort of "repertory company" of singers who used to record unofficial cast albums of musicals. She sometimes appeared on MfP versions of musicals where the main "original cast" rights rested with rival companies like Decca, Philips, etc. In this context, "unofficial" does not mean "bootleg", of course!

Around 1983 or so, I remember her appearing briefly in the Liverpool-based soap opera "Brookside", playing the part of a visiting London-based trade union official.
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Re: At the BBC #2 - more suggested tracks.

Postby andykombi » 16 Oct 2020, 15:44

Foot tapper Atlantis Dance on when licorice
Was with them would be a fitting tribute
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