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Brian Locking now in a hospice

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2020, 18:46
by Iain Purdon
Received a short time ago from Babs

Brian is now in the hospice & we are so happy he is there, receiving loving & efficient care in a beautiful place with beautiful views of fields & sheep grazing xx.
We visited him this afternoon & he remained very weak & sleeping but was comfortable with an analgesic pump giving him constant medications xx .. He was aware we were there by making occasional small noises & gently squeezing our fingers. We prayed with him & sent love & best wishes from everyone xx
Thank you all for your wonderful messages of love, support & prayers. They are very gratefully received … & comforting ... Babs Dave & Brian xxx

Re: Brian Locking now in a hospice

PostPosted: 07 Oct 2020, 23:34
by Fenderman
I was very upset to read Brian is now in a hospice as i was hoping he'd pull through.
At least he's comfortable and in hopefully not in too much pain.
My thoughts are with his family.