Shadows calendar (dream)

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Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby drakula63 » 30 Jun 2020, 10:24

I was perusing ebay yesterday evening and, perhaps inevitably therefore, I had a strange dream last night in which I discovered a Shadows calendar at one of those pop-up calendar shops that usually appear in the autumn. Anyway, I can't remember anything about said calendar, apart from the fact that it was pretty basic and I remember thinking "I could do better than this."

Anyway, I was thinking about it this morning and it suddenly occurred to me that the Shads made TWELVE original studio albums for Columbia/EMI during the 1960s and 1970s. So, this would be just perfect for a 12 month calendar; each page featuring one album. Maybe each month could also feature some smaller photos taken during the relevant year and a bit of trivia, etc. The front cover could, perhaps, feature the cover of either The Shadows Greatest Hits or The Shadows 20 Golden Greats.

OK, it's unlikely to happen... but I don't think any of us were really expecting the nice surprise that we got back on May 1st. Anyway, I'd buy it - and maybe more than one copy too!

The Dreams I Dream, eh? :D
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Re: Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby John Boyd » 30 Jun 2020, 10:39

That's a great idea. I'd buy some too. Let's hope someone might take it up .
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Re: Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby GoldenStreet » 30 Jun 2020, 11:18

drakula63 wrote:
OK, it's unlikely to happen... but I don't think any of us were really expecting the nice surprise that we got back on May 1st. Anyway, I'd buy it - and maybe more than one copy too!

I like your idea. This is a company that I have dealt with in recent years, which could possibly advise on the feasibility of such an undertaking. Perhaps it might be worth making contact with them...

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Re: Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby drakula63 » 30 Jun 2020, 12:58

If I had the money (I'm not sure what it would cost, but probably more than I have at the moment!), I can assure you that I would make 100% certain that it happened. I imagine it would be possible to produce a private (not for sale) calendar using any images one liked, but to do it commercially would be expensive.
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Re: Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby Teflon » 30 Jun 2020, 13:24

drakula63 wrote: …………. I imagine it would be possible to produce a private (not for sale) calendar using any images one liked, but to do it commercially would be expensive.

Very possible, no more expensive than a shop bought calendar, and every bit as good in terms of quality :D . I've done it numerous car calendars along these lines in the past.

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Re: Shadows calendar (dream)

Postby bosunbob » 08 Jul 2020, 08:55

This type of thing when issued prior to Christmas is called an Advent Calender.
In producing one of these being Shadows specific, may run foul of somebody's copyright protection.
If one was made to use at home, then I imagine, as suggested in an earlier post, that this would be commercially harmless.
Just don't try knocking any of at a car boot sale though.

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