Hank says no

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Hank says no

Postby Iain Purdon » 28 Jun 2020, 22:07

Published today. But not fully checked for accuracy!

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Re: Hank says no

Postby bgohara » 28 Jun 2020, 22:29

Rehash (and most quite) of recent interview from Uncut...
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Re: Hank says no

Postby Gruntfuttock » 29 Jun 2020, 02:07

Quote “ Meanwhile, Hank previously admitted he is always pleased to find out how the group – which was most recently completed by Brian Bennett, Mark Griffiths and Warren Bennett – has influenced other musicians.”
Most recently! Really!
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Re: Hank says no

Postby drakula63 » 29 Jun 2020, 11:14

He told Uncut magazine: "It will take a miracle! When we did that last big tour with [Cliff Hall], it was such a lovely experience..."

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Re: Hank says no

Postby howarddobson » 30 Jun 2020, 21:38

Yes but a nice EP or album would be good - I think a tour would just be a repeat of one of the final tours anyway. They haven't done the final album yet.

(I think further reunions had been on the cards but had been knocked back for one reason or another.)
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Re: Hank says no

Postby RogerCook » 30 Jun 2020, 21:42

Is there a link somewhere to the Uncut mag article?
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Re: Hank says no

Postby bor64 » 01 Jul 2020, 06:14

Hank says no....what else is new!
People please stop asking/writing about a new tour/gig etc.
Grant our idols/heroes their well deserved retirement !!!!
Speculating why they didn't, wanted or denied, such tour gig etc, has no use at all.
Don't take me wrong I love the Shads, but when I'm asked/demanded by the peeps I was working for decades ago and at the same time by some of them demanded, to work exactly the same way and using the same tools.... to get the same result as way back when....
I would ask, if they still have all their marbles...
Never mind the fact that I'm a better craftsmen now,got other ideas and ways to get the same or better results.

Cheers Rob

Re: Hank says no

Postby howarddobson » 02 Jul 2020, 12:46

But they want to work just not together
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Re: Hank says no

Postby iefje » 02 Jul 2020, 12:57

There's a time at some point where a group decides to call it a day. I think that was ten years ago now. We cannot expect a group to go on forever. They shouldn't do that. At some point the quality of a group or an artist goes down, which has happened to Bob Dylan, according to some of his fans. I think the fans wouldn't like that either.
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Re: Hank says no

Postby drakula63 » 02 Jul 2020, 13:55

The Rolling Stones manage to continue... mainly because they are and have always been somewhat loose and ropey. Keef just staggers around, muscle memory playing his guitar for him. Mick has always been a rubbish 'singer' and more interested in pouting and preening. And Charlie, although I'm sure he is a nice guy, is nowhere near the drummer that either Brian or Tony were. The Stones will continue until they drop... even then, I doubt that they'll stay down!

The Shads, on the other hand, were always more precise, professional and demanded the best of themselves. There comes a point where it is more difficult to maintain that level of perfection and, when that is what the audience wants, it's time to knock it on the head. There are plenty of bands out there - much younger than the Shads - who insist on carrying on long after they should have called it a day and hung up their guitars. Playing in the studio does allow one to achieve a greater level of perfection than is possible on stage; but apart from their little 'get together' at Abbey Road for the documentary, I can't see the Shadows ever recording again... not an album anyway.

Personally, I think a new Shadows album would be problematic from the start. Would it be covers? Would they write new material? Would they select material that had been sent to them? Would they go for the classic 60s sound or something more contemporary? And so on...

I think we can all safely say that, apart from reissues and maybe the odd undiscovered gem, there won't be any more albums or recordings from the Shadows. Personally, what I would like to see would be ALL the albums remastered, repackaged and rereleased with a few bonus tracks. That would be more than enough for me... plus, of course, the 1967-1979 box set!!!
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