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The Shadows' "Apache": recorded 60 years ago today!

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2020, 23:03
by iefje
Today, the 17th of June 2020 marks the 60th anniversary of The Shadows' recording session, which started their own international stardom: on the 17th of June 1960, The Shadows recorded their 4th single (the 2nd under the name "The Shadows") "Apache" / "Quatermasster's Stores".

The rest, as they say, is history.

Re: The Shadows' "Apache": recorded 60 years ago today!

PostPosted: 16 Jun 2020, 23:08
by Teflon
Still the 16th here, for another hour anyway :D :D

Nice post though, and just to put it in perspective - if you go back 60 yrs before Apache: Titanic hadn't been built, the Wright Brothers had yet to fly, and the 1st World War had yet to happen :o :o .


Re: The Shadows' "Apache": recorded 60 years ago today!

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2020, 08:59
by abstamaria
And we’re still (happily) chasing That Sound.

Best to all,


Re: The Shadows' "Apache": recorded 60 years ago today!

PostPosted: 08 Jul 2020, 11:18
by bosunbob
The annual Christmas time visit with my aunts family was made especially memorable one year. My cousin, two years my senior, had a newly bought 45 single
to play for me - Apache. Over and over he played this tune, many times over.
The tune was great we both agreed on that. But with me having the attention span of a sand fly, asked,
What's on the other side?
Wait until you hear this.
Over went the disc and wamee, Quatermasters Store, although apparently that's not what was printed on the label. I recognised the tune - we sang this at Scout Camps before that. But this time, the players made the tune pump with Rock and Roll energy, a vitality seldom experienced on any of radio stations we listened to then.
So that side, the B side, well that got warn away too, just like Apache did a few days earlier. By then though we had driven the twelve hours to get back home.
I worked hard on my Dad to give me the coin to buy the Apache 45 which after promising to be well behaved and stop stealing cigarettes, gave me the money I needed.