The Thing About Hank

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

The Thing About Hank

Postby Keith Bateman » 17 Apr 2020, 14:11

The 2011 R4 documentary 'The Thing About Hank' was repeated yesterday and today on BBC Radio 4Extra. You can pick it up here

Sorry I didn't find out about it sooner.

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Re: The Thing About Hank

Postby dave robinson » 17 Apr 2020, 16:29

Saw this on You Tube a couple of days ago, great ! :)
Dave Robinson
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Re: The Thing About Hank

Postby Vincent » 23 Apr 2020, 07:31

One thing that is not mentioned in this audio clip is that the player he became , was not the player he wanted to be !. He wanted to emulate people like Scotty Moore, Chet Atkins & Cliff Gallup. It didn't quite work out for him. This lead to the Shadows & all those guitar instrumentals.
They happened just at the right time in this country and played the kind of music that most people of average ability can pick up-it was accessible.. a bit like Skiffle a few years before inspiration to take up guitar & a step towards other things....

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