Laying in bed.

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Laying in bed.

Postby bazmusicman » 29 Mar 2020, 13:34

Years ago my Mum said. "You won't achieve anything in life by laying in bed all day".

But hey, look at me now, I'm saving the world!

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Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 21:40
Location: North West london

Re: Laying in bed.

Postby martcaster » 29 Mar 2020, 21:23

Get your butt outa bed and get practisin'! We're all relyin' on ya! ;)
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Re: Laying in bed.

Postby bazmusicman » 29 Mar 2020, 22:55

martcaster wrote:Get your butt outa bed and get practisin'! We're all relyin' on ya! ;)

Ha Ha!
Posts: 237
Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 21:40
Location: North West london

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