Cliff and The Shadows Fan Meeting Tilburg

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Cliff and The Shadows Fan Meeting Tilburg

Postby barryg » 11 Mar 2020, 23:46

I have copied this message from Ferry Nice who runs the Cliff and The Shadows meetings in Holland saying he has cancelled the 68th meeting at the Hotel De Druiventos in Tilburg on 4th April. He will try and re-schedule the event for June but if that doesn't happen then the next meeting will be in October. If you were going and have booked rooms at De Druiventos please contact Ferry.


With pain in my heart, I am forced the Cliff Richard & Shadows Meeting of
Cancel April 4th!
Given the developments regarding the COVID-19 Virus, I find it irresponsible to continue the event.
With the health of our family, I can and don't want to take any risk.
I could never forgive myself if only 1 of our family members (visitors) were to get sick during or through the meeting. I'm in consultation with Hotel De Druiventros whether we can organize the meeting in June, or that we are going to October 31th.
I will return to this later.
If you have reserved a room, I'd like to hear it, we cancel this one.
I really hope to welcome you in good health at the next meeting.
Posts: 275
Joined: 15 Sep 2009, 12:58

Re: Cliff and The Shadows Fan Meeting Tilburg

Postby Kevin Wooten » 12 Mar 2020, 00:15

Hi Barry,

Thank you for the info. I contacted Ferry a couple of days ago and cancelled my room booking at Hotel Druiventos in Tilburg. With the on going situation in the UK I thought it was for the best. KLM will be refunding me the cost of my flights and the hotel in Amsterdam where I stay after Tilburg is also refunding my booking.


Kevin Wooten
Posts: 15
Joined: 04 Jun 2017, 12:03

Re: Cliff and The Shadows Fan Meeting Tilburg

Postby barryg » 12 Mar 2020, 21:51

Hi Kevin,

I'm happy you've managed to cancel the trip to Tilburg without any financial losses. I'm sure there will be many other events cancelled this Spring and Summer over this issue and we need to consider where we go to be safe from this virus.

Posts: 275
Joined: 15 Sep 2009, 12:58

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