Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

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Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby Shadsguy » 07 Mar 2020, 00:56

I hope there will be a new Hank Marvin album soon with more classic songs similar to Without A Word in 2017

Re: Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby iefje » 07 Mar 2020, 16:59

A new album from Hank is always great and I really like his last two albums, but I would like to see it contain more originals. A mixture of original and derivative material like on the "Into The Light" album would be great.
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Re: Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 07 Mar 2020, 18:42

I would like it to be purely originals, or he's lost a sale.
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Re: Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby Shadsguy » 07 Mar 2020, 18:57

Yes hopefully 2 or 3 originals on a new album with classic covers on the rest of the album I wasn't a big fan of the 2014 Hank album at all but liked all of Hanks solo albums from 1969 to 2017 with Hank the exception Hank plays Holly my favourite really suited Hanks style

Re: Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby Fenderman » 07 Mar 2020, 20:32

A new Hank album is always welcome, i thought WAW was his best for a while, better than Hank but i'd like to see him stretch out a bit and perhaps inject more punch into his tracks in the vein of several of the Heartbeat tracks (Oxygene being an example with distortion and use of overdrive) and a few more originals, he's said it's hard to write consistently good material. A vocal album would be nice but that doesn't look possible.
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Re: Hoping for a new Hank Marvin Album soon

Postby Shadsguy » 07 Mar 2020, 21:32

I totally agree Without A Word was Hanks best for a while
Yes oxygen was great with the overdriven sounds but then heartbeat was a fantastic album some uptempo songs mixed with ballads and a few originals should make a great new album and hopefully please most fans it's about getting the right balance clean sound/overdrive sound rocking uptempo tracks and melodic easy listening ballad tracks alongside original material to please all the fans preferences

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