LegEnd back in business

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LegEnd back in business

Postby martcaster » 05 Mar 2020, 15:27

We're delighted to announce that Legend (Terry, Tony, Martin & Ian Cross) are back in business, and planning several theatre dates over the coming months.
Initially, we've taken the Saltburn Community Theatre where we played a few years back (to a capacity audience) on Saturday 25th April. Here's a link to the event https://www.saltburnarts.co.uk/Event/le ... ff-richard
Tickets for this event are £9.00 in advance and can be secured via the link at the bottom of the above page. I'm told that booking by this method enables you to print off your own ticket(s) upon payment. Admission on the door will be £11.00 (but, bear in mind that last time we played there were no seats available on the night, as they had all been pre-booked)
We're also reprising our performance at Whitby's Pavilion Theatre, on Saturday 20th June.
The ticket price for this event is £12.00 (TBC)
A WORD OF WARNING.....the management of the theatre have handed over the 'online' booking for their events to Ticketmaster, who are quoting a "booking fee" of £3.75 for EVERY ticket sold!! As you can imagine, this has caused ructions to regular patrons (as well as people like ourselves)
We would, of course, be delighted to see any/all of our friends at either (both?) of these events. Please make a note of these dates in your diaries.
In the case of the Whitby 'gig' can I suggest that, rather than hand over £3.75 (maybe £7.50!) to Ticketmaster, you PM me and I'll purchase the tickets on your behalf and forward them to you. Only too happy to do that.
We are aware that this Whitby date coincides with the East Yorkshire Shadows Gala in Scarborough (June 21st & 22nd) It might be the 'icing on the cake' to come through to Whitby and see one of the most celebrated Shads tributes on the circuit. (we have a lot of very nice fish restaurants in Whitby....think about it!)
So, as I say, a couple of dates for you to think about. We'd love to see all our friends again for a really good night of 'the best music in the world' and a sing-along to those classic Cliff & Shads songs.
Er....that's it Looking forward to hearing from you
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Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby Iain Purdon » 05 Mar 2020, 22:35

Well done lads. Glad to see this.
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Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby David Martin » 06 Mar 2020, 08:29

Good news!
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Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby Hank2k » 06 Mar 2020, 10:08

fantastic news. Bit too far away for me but i wish you all the best, always enjoyed Legends sets at Shadowmania

Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby Geoff_W » 06 Mar 2020, 23:20

This is great news!
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Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby martcaster » 07 Mar 2020, 09:58

Thanks, for the encouragement, guys. Greatly appreciated.
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Re: LegEnd back in business

Postby shadowriter » 08 Mar 2020, 10:09

Brilliant, Play the pipeline dvd often, great group. Don't suppose a visit
to the Fylde Coast will be on the cards though. Forgotten land as far as Shad's style bands
go. Fingers crossed though.
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