The Shadows EP's

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The Shadows EP's

Postby Fenderman » 14 Feb 2020, 22:07

I was recently reading up Rob Bradford's notes on the 2 Shadows EP's SFM CD's and it seems that between 1961-64 they must have sold a massive amount of EP's as some were in the charts for over a year.
Does anyone have sales figures as to how many they sold either collectively or individually? Also, they must rank among one of the groups to shift the highest number of EP's during that period.
Posts: 1050
Joined: 02 Dec 2009, 21:17

Re: The Shadows EP's

Postby strongbow » 16 Feb 2020, 00:54

George White's British Hit EPs (1955-1989) lists the Shadows as having more weeks on the EP chart than anyone else. Including 413 weeks with Cliff, they had a grand total of 894 weeks. Even removing the weeks with Cliff, they're still tops -- 481 weeks, followed by Cliff at 451, the Beatles at 405, an d Elvis at 383.

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