Jet Harris Memorial Fund

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Jet Harris Memorial Fund

Postby Arpeggio » 27 Jan 2020, 16:41

Hi Everyone,
Just to let you all know that the JHMF is still steadily ticking along. We have recently sent a cheque for £875 to Cancer Research UK. This now means that the JHMF has now raised £24,000 for C R UK since its inception. Thank you very much to everyone who has either contributed or put on events to support the JHMF cause over the years. Many thanks also to Audrey & Barry Knapp, Dave Hawley & Justin Daish - who all help to keep JHMF going. Best Wishes, Rob B

PS: I would personally like to thank Audrey - who continues to do an enormous amount of work behind the scenes & I know that all of this is greatly appreciated by Janet.

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