Man cries at Shadows signing - but what was the price?

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Man cries at Shadows signing - but what was the price?

Postby RayL » 30 Dec 2019, 13:16

Here's a little story from my 1981 Shadows UK tour programme.

The Shadows did a personal appearance at the HMV shop in London's Oxford Street.

An hour before they were due to appear, normal business was in severe danger of disruption at the store because of the large number of people waiting to get a glimpse of and an autograph from The Shadows.

In an hour, around 600 people filed past Bruce, hank and Brian. The autograph hunters and album buyers were literally of all ages. They ranged from teenagers to young housewives, junior executives, several rather senior executives and one elderly gentleman who was so overcome by the proceedings that he burst into tears.

Bruce, with characteristic self-depreciatory humour brushed aside any suggestion that the affected one was such an avid Shadows fan that the occasion was all too much for him."No", said Bruce,"he only started crying when he saw the price of the album".

The album would have been Hits Right Up Your Street. To see The Shadows that night (October 26th) at the Fairfield Halls cost £5.50 in the front stalls. What would have been the price of the album?
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Re: Man cries at Shadows signing - but what was the price?

Postby Teflon » 30 Dec 2019, 19:42

I'm guessing £2.25.

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Re: Man cries at Shadows signing - but what was the price?

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 04 Jan 2020, 23:12

It was 1981, so £2.25 sounds about right to me. I did get HRUYS but don't remember the price, as my brother bought it for me for Christmas!
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