Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby Iain Purdon » 09 Oct 2017, 15:29

The Club Area: is it up to date?

Judging from enquiries we get from time to time, it seems that some of the clubs listed in our Club Area (see above)...

Club Area Icon.jpg
Club Area Icon.jpg (5.88 KiB) Viewed 15116 times

... have either (1) ceased activity, or (2) are not using their forums or (3) are run by different people from the named moderator.

To keep this website relevant it would be helpful all round to know which clubs listed on this site are up and running and which are not? And, if the club is active but the forum is not being used, whether the details currently shown on the forum are correct and sufficient to inform anyone who wants to find out about the club?

I plan to move some forums to a new area for Former Clubs to keep the history intact while eliminating confusion.

Many thanks - Iain (Site Moderators)
Iain Purdon
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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby Tab » 10 Oct 2017, 13:06

Hi Iain,

the Eastbourne Club is still active and still headed by Don Crisp.

Kind regards

Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby Sothall Mike » 10 Oct 2017, 13:10

Hi Ian,
The South Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club is still very much active and headed by myself.
Mike Kilner
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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby Iain Purdon » 10 Oct 2017, 13:57

Sothall Mike wrote:Hi Ian,
The South Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club is still very much active and headed by myself.
Mike Kilner

Thanks Mike!
Iain Purdon
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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby Iain Purdon » 10 Oct 2017, 13:58

Tab wrote:Hi Iain,

the Eastbourne Club is still active and still headed by Don Crisp.

Kind regards

Thanks Terry! Please would you let Don know you have answered on his behalf?

Cheers - Iain
Iain Purdon
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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby TonyA » 10 Oct 2017, 17:13

Tyneside is Alive!

Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby ade » 10 Oct 2017, 18:08

The South West Shadows Club (Exeter) is fully active and run by myself.


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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby rogera » 10 Oct 2017, 18:19

The Devon & West-Country Shadows Club meeting at Exeter is still busy twanging every month and is run by Bob & Liz Belchamber.

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Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby comic » 10 Oct 2017, 18:43



Re: Do you run or attend a Shadows Guitar Club?

Postby old romantic » 10 Oct 2017, 21:48

Hi Iain,
The East Yorkshire Guitar Club is still very active , meeting monthly at the Alexander Bowls Club near Peasholm Park. Dates also for next year are on the club page.
Regards Linda x
old romantic
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