Cliff plays Apache

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Re: Cliff plays Apache

Postby bosunbob » 08 Jul 2020, 09:28

Funnily enough, I've not long finished watching this clip on YouTube.
I enjoyed the view and the listen actually and thought that Cliff made a fairly decent job of the tune.
No Hank for sure, but no slouch either and no less than can be expected from a non-professional guitar player
of the time.
I wonder to what extent Hank tutored the singer, who looked far from relaxed playing this tune.
But good on Cliff for the thrill from 1961, experiencenced now 59 years into the future.
Who then would have believed this possible or even thought of it in that way then?

Re: Cliff plays Apache

Postby bosunbob » 08 Jul 2020, 09:40

I remember a discussion from many years ago when somebody suggested the Tele slung over the back of a chair
captured for The Shadows, the bands first album, was a loaned out guitar for the album cover photoshoot
from, say, a music store or possibly the importer of Fender guitars.
Pehaps that was correct, but it seems that the loan extended to its use on this TV show - a latter day sight
to behold.

Re: Cliff plays Apache

Postby bosunbob » 10 Jul 2020, 00:19

Speaking from just a visual perspective: I really liked the time when
Hank played a Stratocaster and Bruce, either a Telecaster or Jazzmaster.
Personal opinion: this line-up looked more "Rockin", well, maybe just more interesting.


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