The Shadows At Sixty

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby artyman » 24 Apr 2020, 22:05

If as a community we want 'the world' to know about "The Shadows" we need to bombard social (or antisocial) media about the program. Calls to local radio chat shows asking about it etc.

Here we are preaching to the choir.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby MartcasterJunior » 24 Apr 2020, 22:15

Do we need 'the world' to know about them? Why can't the people who already like their music just appreciate it, and if a few more people explore music they've not heard before off the back of the TV exposure, all the better?
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Iain Purdon » 25 Apr 2020, 09:24

I agree with that. I think that’s why they’re putting it on BBC4 on a Friday night. That’s the place where music enthusiasts go. Which of us has not tried BBC4’s excellent Guitar Heroes at the BBC for example? The whole range is there. You can either dip in for someone you want to see or watch more generally and expand your knowledge and musical experience.

Like the records, the footage is already out there (apart from the promised unseen clip) so most of us are not going to be surprised. The bits I’ll watch for are Hank, Bruce and Brian speaking - they may say something new - and other musicians talking about the Shadows.

Inevitably there will not be enough of whichever aspect interests us most and too much of what we already know or don’t care about.

It’s an hour of TV looking back over 60 years. That averages a year a minute!

I’m looking forward to it. No doubt afterwards there will be many comments here ... !
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby fenderplucker » 25 Apr 2020, 10:28

I hope that there will be some way for us down here in Australia to see the program.

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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Fenderman » 25 Apr 2020, 14:20

They'll have to mention the whole how Hank got the Fender but that's only to be expected :D
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 25 Apr 2020, 16:17

Probably the Beeb were 'unenthusiastic' because they know that the majority of people these days neither know who the Shadows were nor have any interest in finding out.

I also predict that most of us on here will end up disappointed, having got nothing out of the programme that we couldn't have got elsewhere.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby GoldenStreet » 25 Apr 2020, 18:33

I wonder if there is any significance in the choice of actress, Gina McKee (born 1964), as narrator. Apart from being a native of County Durham (maybe just a coincidence), perhaps she was brought up in a family of Shadows fans!

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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby drakula63 » 25 Apr 2020, 19:10

Uncle Fiesta wrote:Probably the Beeb were 'unenthusiastic' because they know that the majority of people these days neither know who the Shadows were nor have any interest in finding out.

I also predict that most of us on here will end up disappointed, having got nothing out of the programme that we couldn't have got elsewhere.

There's nothing like a bit of optimism.
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby Iain Purdon » 25 Apr 2020, 22:21

GoldenStreet wrote:I wonder if there is any significance in the choice of actress, Gina McKee (born 1964), as narrator. Apart from being a native of County Durham (maybe just a coincidence), perhaps she was brought up in a family of Shadows fans!

I think Gina McKee is a great choice. Like Hank and Bruce she has a North East accent. She’s a woman, good with all the other contributors being men. And she’s a quality turn.

Gina McKee.png
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Re: The Shadows At Sixty

Postby djnevster » 26 Apr 2020, 11:16

Great choice, and she went to school with my wife :D
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