'That Sound'. When did it end?

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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby cockroach » 06 Nov 2009, 10:57

Jim said it all.....the sound changed because they grew up!

Can hardly play that wild thin whining echoey stuff like Man of Mystery when yer playing pantomime to the varying age groups, I 'spose...

They were changing and maturing into 'all round entertainers', with panto, song and dance, daft costumes, mild comedy routines etc and appearing on middle of the road mainstream TV shows with Cliff etc, and adult nightclub venues like the Talk of the Town etc..

That era after about 1962/3 was basically their new mature career direction- and I'm not knocking that, they were still successful after all.

Just not really to my taste, that's all...sorry....(and from what I've seen of the latest tour footage, they have followed that direction to its ultimate conclusion- a smooth, polished ultra professional top class entertainment show.)

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Gary Allen » 06 Nov 2009, 13:17

I think they started taking magic mushrooms around 64-68...most of that material was wacky....gary
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 06 Nov 2009, 13:45

The question here is not WHY "THAT SOUND" ended, but WHEN it ended.

We know that all things change and evolve. The Shadows and their music evolved as a result of changes in them and around them, just like the music of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, and so on changed dramatically in a relatively short period . . . Just look at the Beatles in 1964 and in 1966 . . . huge changes.

But I think the question about THAT SOUND, should be rephrased:

When did it start and when did it end?

I would say it started with Apache, but obviously, other people believe it started even earlier.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Twang46 » 06 Nov 2009, 14:45

I think "that sound" started with "move it" (yes I do know who played on the record 8-) )
I agree that the Meazzi & ef86 valve were very important but for me the sound changed forever when Jet followed Tony through the out door.
The "Kingston" sound was for me the last recorded example of "that sound" that am aware of.
The arrival of Brian Bennet & the departure of Jet led to a different sound emerging & that coupled with different recording techniques & equipment led to a "newer" sound that changed as the years went by.
As an indicator of which sound is "best", ask "what is your favourite shads tune ?" & Wonderful Land is always top or close to the top of every bodys list along with Apache & many of the others from the "golden" era.

Ah well tin hat time again I suppose ;)


Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby dave robinson » 06 Nov 2009, 15:22

I think it will always be contentious as long as the Meazzi is involved and the need to justify paying fortunes for one, as well as the expensive modern replacements for the same.

Fact is, the sound (not the echo) can be heard on 'Move It' and subsequent Cliff recordings when Hank played without a Meazzi - I think the perfect definition of THAT SOUND was borne out of the Abbey Road Studio and that the Meazzi enhanced it.
If you care to listen carefully to most of the instrumentals which we love, there is nowhere near the amount of echo from the Meazzi that folks actully add to their sound when playing today. IMHO Hank used the right amount on the TVS3 on the tour, but the highly underestimated magic of the Abbey Road reverb was missing, which made it appear drier than we all like to hear. Think about it. :idea:

To answer Bojan's question, I would say that it ended after Dance On as the sound became different as many have said.
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 06 Nov 2009, 18:19

Dave, I think I more or less agree with you about THAT SOUND ending with Dance On. However, that leaves a whole range of hits that are just as "majestic" as THAT SOUND yet are no longer THAT SOUND: Foot Tapper, Geronimo, Atlantis, Theme for Young Lovers . . . to mention only a few. Where do we classify them . . . how about THAT SOUND2 . . . ?? :) :) :)

Anyway, if I had to decide which song for me was the essence of THAT SOUND, it would be, without any doubt -- Kon Tiki

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby dave robinson » 06 Nov 2009, 18:28

Hi Bojan, I can tell you that Atlantis and Geronimo were recorded before 'Dance On' which was December 1st 1962. The next session was December 10 1962 when 'Foot Tapper' (film soundtrack version) was recorded then on 21st December it was recorded again for the single version along with 'It's Been A Blue Day'. The next instros to be 'canned' were in Spain April 1963.
Interestingly, there are reports at around the end of 1962 that Jim Burns had given Hank a prototype of the Burns Marvin - strapped to a Strat body . . . . . :idea:
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 06 Nov 2009, 18:54

Oh, whew! So they are THAT SOUND after all :)

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Tab » 06 Nov 2009, 19:13

For me, 'that sound' ended when Jet and Tony departed.

Having said that, the sounds on the Spanish EP, 'Adios Muchachos' and 'Les Tres Carabelas' in particular, are sublime.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 06 Nov 2009, 20:49

that would be "THAT SOUND2" ?! :D :D


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