It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby iefje » 29 May 2020, 11:11

If you listen to the right hand channel of "Will You Be There", you can hear the group talking in the background during the passages in the song where they don't sing. The stereo remix of "Scotch On The Socks" has this kind of 'noise' even more so, which distracts the listener from the music to a degree.
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby Tone » 29 May 2020, 11:50

I've just remembered another one. In 'Spring Is Nearly Here' around 1:35 Bruce fluffs a couple of notes in his arpeggios.

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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby iefje » 29 May 2020, 12:33

Tone wrote:Yes, I've got too much time on my hands but haven't we all?

Yes, that's the only positive thing about the pandemic...
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby Iain Purdon » 29 May 2020, 20:11

Moderne wrote:Sorry Alan...sorry Iain... :D but I've always felt that Hank's muted guitar and Brian's 'tattoo'-style drumming in Atlantis when the intro comes back in (about 1:25) are slightly out of time? Not sure if Brian's dragging a bit or Hank's playing a bit too fast...or perhaps it's my ears. Never seen it mentioned anywhere else...anyone else noticed it? Atlantis is possibly my favourite Shadows tune ever.

Yes, agreed - that’s an example of what I meant earlier.
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby abstamaria » 30 May 2020, 02:24

Tone wrote:Yes, I've got too much time on my hands but haven't we all?

And isn’t this sort of discussion relevant to this forum? It is interesting to me. It makes me go back to the original recordings.

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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby drakula63 » 31 May 2020, 12:57

GoldenStreet wrote:
drakula63 wrote:I have yet to notice this legendary, infamous 'mistake' in Man of Mystery. I must have listened to this ten thousand times, at least, and it still eludes me. :D

It is towards the end at 01:47, immediately after Hank seems to slightly miss a note. :geek:


Yeah. Sounds like he sort of 'misses' a note. I've always noticed it, now that I come to think of it, but never really thought of it as a 'mistake' as such. I suppose one gets used to hearing it. Interestingly, he also seems to miss or drop a note near the end of 'Return to the Alamo'... and yet this somehow sounds 'right to me. Oh well. Thanks.
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby StuartD » 01 Jun 2020, 15:03


In the last verse of Tonight, Hank misses a note but just by chance Bruce hits that note on his arpeggio chord sequence. Like you say: Too Much time on our hands!!
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby Uncle Fiesta » 01 Jun 2020, 22:54

In Trains And Boats And Planes, you can hear someone singing along in the background.
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby drakula63 » 02 Jun 2020, 09:45

Uncle Fiesta wrote:In Trains And Boats And Planes, you can hear someone singing along in the background.

I'm inclined to think that that is intentional. It's low in the mix, but I still think it is meant to be there. Sounds like John Rostill to me.
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Re: It's Been A Blue Day - "Extra" note

Postby Iain Purdon » 02 Jun 2020, 10:53

I agree. There were many vocal interjections by John. There’s another in Chelsea Boot where he sings/hums along with his bass solo near the end.
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