'That Sound'. When did it end?

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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Gary Allen » 04 Nov 2009, 20:39

I thought Wonderful Land at Kingston had that sound..Very close to the studio version....Gary
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 04 Nov 2009, 20:58

Maybe it has THAT SOUND but it hasn't got THAT MAGIC . . . Perhaps we should differentiate between these two things.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby BobGreg » 05 Nov 2009, 00:21

When I eventually acquired an early Vox Ac30, it didn't have the "vintage sound" of the EF86, but with the incorporation of a special version of Roger Allcock's Vintage unit plus the missing trebble boost circuit I feel that my Vox amp gained the ability to provide that "special sound".

After hearing Phil Kelly playing in Bruce's Shadows, using Roger's vintage unit I feel that this provides "that special sound" - clearly others feel different!

As to when it ended I still feel that the Kingston recording captures that sound in a live situation - with or without the Vox amps.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby dave robinson » 05 Nov 2009, 11:09

So, if the Meazzi was such a major part of THAT SOUND (the one I described in my earlier post), why is it that we can clearly hear it on 'Move It' when there wasn't a Meazzi in sight - but the amp was there. In my opinion we are crediting the Meazzi for more than it contributed. Also, many of the early Cliff & The Drifters/Shadows recordings clearly have THAT SOUND, before the Meazzi was introduced. :idea:
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby MeBHank » 05 Nov 2009, 14:28

dave robinson wrote:So, if the Meazzi was such a major part of THAT SOUND (the one I described in my earlier post), why is it that we can clearly hear it on 'Move It' when there wasn't a Meazzi in sight - but the amp was there. In my opinion we are crediting the Meazzi for more than it contributed. Also, many of the early Cliff & The Drifters/Shadows recordings clearly have THAT SOUND, before the Meazzi was introduced. :idea:

In that case, Dave, it's down to our individual perceptions. The aspect of the sound you evidently like is that caused by the the EF86 valve. I personally wouldn't identify Ernie's guitar on Move It as having "That Sound". It's an exciting sound, it's sharp and swamped in reverb, but it lacks the majesty of Hank's bouncy but smooth, melodic playing. The 1961(ish) period was simply incredible soundwise, IMO.

For me, the Meazzi needs to be present for the guitar to have the awesome charisma that we love, and that's what I define as "That Sound".

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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Apache1 » 05 Nov 2009, 16:02

Well in my humble opinion "That Sound" is still there whenever Hank wants it as the man himself has grown older over the years just like the rest of us
he has experimented with different equipment, but "Life Story" Apache is just like the original in 1960, I am talking about the guitar sound and not the
recording quality as back in the 60s most of the recording were done on Ferrograph Tape machines.
Also Hanks style of playing has "Matured" I think to try and lay the answer on a valve (EF86) is pretty presumtious.
I would think that at any given time Hank could plug in and play "That Sound" I may be wrong, but I would like to bet he can reproduce any sound he wants
Got to say I was not too impressed with his current sound on the 50th Anniversary show at Sheffield Arena.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby ecca » 05 Nov 2009, 16:22


Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Bojan » 05 Nov 2009, 16:36

Reading Justin's and Dave's (differing) opinions, I am inclined to agree with both of them, leading to the conclusion that THAT SOUND was not the result of one single factor but a combination of several factors:

-- Vox AC with EF86
-- Meazzi echo
-- Stratocaster (fiesta red :D )
-- Abbey Road studios
-- Hank's unique playing style

plus our own perception (aural and emotional) . . .

. . . and when one or more of these factors was taken away from the combination, there was still a great and exciting sound, but definitely lacking the "majesty" as Justin said so aptly, or the magic of THAT SOUND.

Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby Mark Burton » 05 Nov 2009, 17:05

After Wonderful Land
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Re: 'That Sound'. When did it end?

Postby AlanMcKillop » 05 Nov 2009, 17:21

Hank continued to use a Meazzi well after WL, so do we discount the Meazzi? ;)
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