Brian Locking in intensive care - update

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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care

Postby AlanMcKillop » 03 Oct 2020, 11:31

My apologies for my previous post, which I’d read on two Shadows sites. When I saw the first one, I did nothing but on reading it a second time, I thought it had been validated. :(
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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care

Postby veryoldperson » 03 Oct 2020, 12:21

AlanMcKillop wrote:My apologies for my previous post, which I’d read on two Shadows sites. When I saw the first one, I did nothing but on reading it a second time, I thought it had been validated. :(

Me too :oops:

Re: Brian Locking in intensive care

Postby Iain Purdon » 03 Oct 2020, 16:24

Babs is keeping this site informed. We will not publish anything not originated by her.
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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care

Postby Iain Purdon » 03 Oct 2020, 19:53

Babs has just been in touch and sent these words

Brian has an aggressive cancerous tumour which is causing major problems for him & alongside his badly deteriorating eyesight is very tragic !!...after unsuccessful attempts of treatment we have agreed with doctors that it is kinder to continue his Care with Conservative Treatment to keep him Comfortable and Painfree and this is working for him ...he remains on intensive care at present time and we shall be going over very soon to be near him & will be allowed to visit in hospital ..

Brian has a Strong Faith as we do ...we all know whatever happens will be right for him . Your Love & Prayers remain Very Precious to us all

She will keep us informed.

Distressing news ...
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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care - update

Postby John Brown » 03 Oct 2020, 20:14

Very distressing. Brian and his loved ones are in our thoughts and prayers
Best Regards
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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care - update

Postby GoldenStreet » 03 Oct 2020, 21:49

Faith is the key... my thoughts are with Brian and his family.

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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care - update

Postby Fenderman » 04 Oct 2020, 01:09

This is very distressing news - my thoughts are with Brian and his family
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Re: Brian Locking in intensive care - update

Postby shadowriter » 05 Oct 2020, 10:30

so so so very sad news. my thoughts are with
Brian and his family at this distressing time for them.

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