Bruce in Daily Mirror

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby Fenderman » 08 Jan 2020, 23:29

Macca is still regularly touring and recording (his last album was really good). He could easily never play another note again and not worry about money but he wants to - and as long as he's healthy he'll do it.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby howarddobson » 12 Jan 2020, 21:09

Shadows page on Wikipedia now talks of the band in the past tense. All the members are listed as past members - although lower down a bit of present tense slips in.

I remember reading that Brian B had a final chapter to write for his book so I’d presumed there was a final celebration of some kind ahead.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby Fenderman » 13 Jan 2020, 18:54

Yeah i thought that too - i thought maybe something was going to happen in the last couple of years as it 60 years since they formed and maybe Brian was going to write that but looks like he won't need to!
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby petercreasey » 17 Jan 2020, 10:34

Interesting thread this, reading that some folks in the entertainment industry keep carrying on and some don’t. The ravages of time affects us all but in different ways, some know that they have “had enough” and don’t want to do it any more and retire gracefully. Some think( or know ) that they don’t have what it takes any more and retire gracefully.Some keep on going and going seemingly retaining the ability to perform at a very high standard, and some just keep going on and on and on and appear to be rather sad individuals who just can’t admit that their time is really over.
.....But then no one said that getting older is all fun!

Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby Fenderman » 17 Jan 2020, 16:07

I sometimes wish the Rolling Stones would retire, as much as I like them it's a bit sad Mick Jagger singing at his age that he can't 'get no satisfaction' but I admire his onstage energy.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby drakula63 » 17 Jan 2020, 19:57

The thing to remember about the Stones is that they've been touring pretty consistently and relentlessly for about 50+ years - and HUGE tours at that. It's just a way of life to them now and probably seems like no big deal. The Shadows stopped touring in 1990, didn't tour again until 2004 and even then it was just for 2004/2005 and then 2009/2010... so it's been a decade already since they last toured. To start again after ten years off is not going to be easy. Also, the Shads (especially Bruce, but all of them) are musical perfectionists... the Stones, for example, are not; they are good at what they do, but they're pretty shambolic and loose. Sorry Stones fans, but it's true. They're more like a pub band if we're honest. I think it would be just too much of a headache to get the Shadows up and running and back out there on the road again. It won't happen. No chance. I think the best we can hope for is Bruce (and maybe Brian) getting up with Cliff and doing Summer Holiday and Bachelor Boy. And on that positive note, I think I'll go and listen to 'Thank You Very Much'.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby Fenderman » 17 Jan 2020, 20:13

I'm sure if they were fit enough Bruce and Brian would do it, Hank i'm not so sure as he prefers semi retirement which he's entitled to. Just hope he still makes occasional solo albums.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby howarddobson » 20 Jan 2020, 02:21

Hank must have a new album on the blocks by now. He tends to release one every three years or so.
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby iefje » 20 Jan 2020, 11:04

howarddobson wrote:Hank must have a new album on the blocks by now. He tends to release one every three years or so.

Some time ago, I read on this forum something about another gypsy jazz style album being almost finished. Is there any news on this?
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Re: Bruce in Daily Mirror

Postby Iain Purdon » 21 Jan 2020, 00:12

Maybe there is, but that’s not the Shadows. I think Bruce is probably saying it as it is. And why not? I’m younger than he is and I don’t want to go back to work!
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