2020 Hank/Bruce interview

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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby JimN » 15 Nov 2020, 17:43

drakula63 wrote:
Gatwick1946 wrote:In the photo which was the main one in the middle, it struck me that the 2 strats appeared to be almost identical colour wise. A trick of the light methinks?, - but a subject that has occupied much space on these boards.

Incredibly, I was thinking exactly the same thing about an hour ago, when glancing at the article again! I was at the 1989 Wembley Stadium event... but can't remember what colours the guitars were! But, yes, I always assumed that Hank and Bruce's Strats didn't quite match in terms of colour... be that Flamingo Pink or Fiesta Red !!!

I remember seeing The Shadows at The Dominion Theatre in 1983. Alan Jones was playing a recent Squier '57 Reissue Precision, nominally in FR, Bruce was playing 34346 and Hank played his "Patrice Bastien" 1958 Strat. My wife immediately said that all three were in different shades of red. And they were...
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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby dave robinson » 15 Nov 2020, 18:43

At one point in the very early 60s at the time of 'The Young Ones' they had three matching red Fender guitars until they were switched for the white ones.
The red bass of Alan Jones in 1983 was a Squier bought by Bruce for him at a cost of £80, which was sprayed red to match the other two guitars mentioned. I know this to be fact, as Alan told me the story. It came about because we were chatting and I asked where his old red Fender P Bass was and was surprised when he said it was a Squier and it was later sold. Alan often preferred to borrow my red JV Squier P Bass because it was easier to play at the dusty end than his own bass, especially on Nivram. :)
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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby Iain Purdon » 16 Nov 2020, 00:48

I love the fact that Alan Jones appeared with an £80 Squier and Mark Griffiths showed up with a similarly priced Sue Ryder bass.

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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby dave robinson » 16 Nov 2020, 02:53

Iain Purdon wrote:I love the fact that Alan Jones appeared with an £80 Squier and Mark Griffiths showed up with a similarly priced Sue Ryder bass.

“It ain’t what you play it’s the way that you play it!”

I subscribe to that sentiment 100% Iain, I know that Mark too s a big admirer of budget instruments and he used a Squier Strat at Shadowmania when he played lead with us in his cameo with Brian in The Vibratos. I own Squier and SX guitars that were not expensive and they hold their own admirably against my more expensive American instruments. It's all down to the 'set up'. :)
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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby Gatwick1946 » 16 Nov 2020, 06:52

Mr Robinson,

(Trying to avoid the sin of damming with faint praise), I would confide that it is your skill, experience and knowledge, that overcomes any faults in the cheapo guitars. That is my opinion based on what you post on this forum.

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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby Arpeggio » 16 Nov 2020, 13:08

That is VERY true. Set up / equipment etc. is only part of it. So true....the very great skill of the players themselves is what makes the real difference. You could put me onstage with £10,000 worth of amps / FX gear etc + a £5,000 guitar...and I would still sound c****!!!! :D :shock: :lol:

Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby StuartD » 16 Nov 2020, 16:00


I knew about Hank's Prostate Cancer diagnosis and the depression that followed.

He's spoken about it before


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Re: 2020 Hank/Bruce interview

Postby Iain Purdon » 16 Nov 2020, 16:59

I'm inclined to think that this is a personal matter and that we should not be airing it further on the site. For that reason I think we should now leave it and lock the thread.

Hope everyone understands.

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