Licorice and The Roulettes

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Re: Licorice and The Roulettes

Postby Pinner Fan » 09 Nov 2020, 11:12

I have the BGO CD reissue of The Roulettes' "Steak and Chips" album which has extensive liner notes regarding The Roulettes, Unit 4+2 etc, and there is no mention of Licorice in them, nothing about him ever playing with them, apart from, quote:- 'John Rogers narrowly missing out to Licorice on Jet Harris' old job in The Shadows".
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Re: Licorice and The Roulettes

Postby chas » 09 Nov 2020, 20:27

Stakes & Chips was a great title with the group sitting at a roulette table. It's always good when you can come up with an album title that ties in with the group name (Out Of The Shadows, etc.)
Old friend Pete Thorp has never mentioned Licorice in connection with The Roulettes particularly knowing my love of The Shads.

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