Cliff Richard and The Shadows - In Behind The Final Tour

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Cliff Richard and The Shadows - In Behind The Final Tour

Postby RUSSET » 25 Sep 2020, 06:52

Not sure whether this has been posted before. I hadn't seen it but just in case here's the behind the scenes at rehearsal in Killarney interviews, Very interesting & informative : ...


Re: Cliff Richard and The Shadows - In Behind The Final Tour

Postby iefje » 25 Sep 2020, 08:51

It's also available on the DVD and Blu-Ray "The Final Reunion" as a special feature.
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Re: Cliff Richard and The Shadows - In Behind The Final Tour

Postby artyman » 25 Sep 2020, 09:14

I don't remember seeing this before need to check my DVD's perhaps the old memory is starting to fail me.
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Re: Cliff Richard and The Shadows - In Behind The Final Tour

Postby Iain Purdon » 25 Sep 2020, 17:06

This is an excellent insight into why they are the legends that they are
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