Yours Retro article

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Yours Retro article

Postby MikeAB » 21 Jul 2020, 17:10

A 3 page article on the Shads is in the new issue of the excellent Retro mag. Not entirely accurate but respectful enough.
Posts: 419
Joined: 17 Sep 2009, 19:03

Re: Yours Retro article

Postby DustyShoes » 06 Aug 2020, 01:47

After all these years of repeating their basic biography, almost ad infinatum, it must now be almost universally understood, how the genisus of The Shadows played out. So much so that variations on a theme should be almost impossible to make - you would think so anyway. ;)
But with new publications attracting new readership, new school writers who seem to belive that, near enough is good enough, accuracy can present itself as an inconvenience not worth the bother of chasing.

All the best.

Re: Yours Retro article

Postby Fenderman » 07 Aug 2020, 00:19

I'm surprised that after 60 years Hank is still asked about how he got the Strat and answers with the usual story, he must be bored of telling it by now, he seems to get asked the same questions by the mainstream media. Some of his interviews online are a bit more indepth.
Posts: 1050
Joined: 02 Dec 2009, 21:17

Re: Yours Retro article

Postby DustyShoes » 08 Aug 2020, 13:46

Greetings & Good Wishes.
Very recently, they should still be availabe to view, I discovered on YT two interviews with Hank Marvin in conversation
with hosts who were tooled up with sufficient knowledge of a range of topics that Hank could respond to readily
and with candor, giving listeners and viewers some pretty interesting views into Hank, his life, religion and the music.
One conversation was on a British radio program via telephone between, London, England and Perth, Australia.
The other, this time a taped conversation in Brisbane, Australia, during the time of a Jazz festival where Henk and the group he plays with were also performing.
Both conversations are well worthy of your time to view.


Tune in and be safe.

Re: Yours Retro article

Postby Arpeggio » 24 Sep 2020, 15:39

Could you possibly Scan / Photocopy / Photograph the relevant "Yours Retro" pages and post them here? I missed that issue. I contacted the Yours Retro 'Back Issues' department and that issue has already sold out & is no longer available.

Yours Hopefully, Rob :D

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