Shadows Tour dates 1970s

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Shadows Tour dates 1970s

Postby Thing-Me-Jig » 05 Sep 2020, 13:40

Does anyone know any of the tour dates from the 1970s for the band please? I'm trying to compile a list of known dates, so any help would be appreciated. thanks

Re: Shadows Tour dates 1970s

Postby Iain Purdon » 05 Sep 2020, 22:11

Have you tried the site search facility? (top right)
You’ll find this for a start ...
Iain Purdon
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Re: Shadows Tour dates 1970s

Postby Thing-Me-Jig » 07 Sep 2020, 20:09

Iain Purdon wrote:Have you tried the site search facility? (top right)
You’ll find this for a start ...

Thanks Iain. I did a quick search a while back, but guess I was using the wrong search words!!

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