Brian Locking ill

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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Iain Purdon » 31 Jul 2020, 18:13

Friday’s report from Babs shows further improvement!

Brian is stronger today & has managed to stay out of bed in a chair for ONE & A HALF HOURS!! ... He’s less confused & understanding more ....& has a good sense of humour!

He’s very grateful for all the support he’s getting.
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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Dave54 » 31 Jul 2020, 18:48

Thank you Iain. Thank you Babs for the daily updates.
That's great news today.

I saw Brian & Maurice doing a show in Newport last November, saw Brian's lovely sense of humour then.

Get well soon Brian.

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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby shadowriter » 01 Aug 2020, 09:00

What fantastic news, Maybe keep improving every day and Brian
will get there
Love and best wishes

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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Iain Purdon » 01 Aug 2020, 20:28

Today’s news from Babs: Brian continues to make progress and the hospital will move him to a normal ward as soon as a bed becomes free.
Babs continues to thank everyone for all the love, support and prayers for them all.

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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby GoldenStreet » 01 Aug 2020, 20:43

Excellent news - Brian has seemingly turned the corner, making gradual and encouraging progress.

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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Fenderman » 01 Aug 2020, 22:39

Great news!
Really pleased for him.
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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Iain Purdon » 02 Aug 2020, 15:33

Sunday’s report from Babs. Now Brian is going into a general ward she will no longer be doing updates every day / just when there’s something to say. She continues to be most grateful for everyone’s support and good wishes.

A bit of comment from me here. Brian is recovering from serious illness and is not in a fit state to receive calls. 99% of people have respected that. To the 1% who imagine otherwise, please don’t. It’s not a kindness and the medical staff are too busy caring for patients.
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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Iain Purdon » 06 Aug 2020, 22:12

Today’s encouraging update from Brian’s sister

Brian has now just been transferred to a General Ward and is gradually getting stronger even though we know he has still a way to go.
He is aware that you his friends are all thinking of him and that you are sending messages and love. He is deeply moved by this and has asked us to send you his love and appreciation.
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Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby DustyShoes » 08 Aug 2020, 08:35

Thank goodness.
No more fading Shadows - please.

Stay safe and well.

Re: Brian Locking ill

Postby Iain Purdon » 10 Aug 2020, 23:55

Closing this thread now - new one coming. He’s out of hospital!!

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