And Still Another Book -

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

And Still Another Book -

Postby bosunbob » 21 Jul 2020, 10:14

This searching on eBay is revealing a small gold mine of material relating to The Shadows and allied personnel.
This time, another Jet Harris bio has popped up:

Cliffhanger: The Life and Times of Jet Harris. Mike Cook.

Once more any feedback from readers here would be most welcome.


Re: And Still Another Book -

Postby anniv 63 » 21 Jul 2020, 11:15

Do not touch this book with a bargepole!!!
It is a poorly written account of Jet' s problems over the years and an extremely
depressing read.
Compiled by someone called Mike Porterfield a one time friend of Jet.

anniv 63
Posts: 731
Joined: 10 Jan 2010, 17:16

Re: And Still Another Book -

Postby bosunbob » 21 Jul 2020, 11:27

Thank you Mike.
I can do without reading a book, so depressing, I need to take valium before
I open the front cover :D

Speaking of the front cover: the books author is credited as being, Mike Cook.

*An update: have just returned again to eBay. An image showing the back cover has printed
at the bottom edge this: Mike Cook (Mike Porterfield).
Pehaps Mike Cook is the ghost writer?

Bruce G.

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