The Shadows Sixty Years

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

The Shadows Sixty Years

Postby dnlmclachlan » 03 May 2020, 03:35

Hi, I have watched the BBC4 Program one U Tube and it is very watchable, fills in many gaps on The Shadows career with wonderful flashbacks. Brings back fond memories of the 60's, great instrumentals and trying to emulate Hank.

What I found interesting was the lack of dialogue on Jet Harris who was a founding Member, he certainly influenced the group in its formative years and created that great bass sound with his P Bass, Nivram will go down in history as a classic tune which influenced many bass players, including myself.

What an example of closure on a great band, they certainly closed own a high !
Dan McLachlan
Melbourne Australia

Re: The Shadows Sixty Years

Postby Iain Purdon » 12 May 2020, 10:57

I’m sure you’re not alone in wishing there had been more about Jet. Had it been a longer programme I’m sure that would have been done. At least we got to see and hear a lot of him!
Iain Purdon
site organiser
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