East Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club

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East Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club

Postby old romantic » 17 Mar 2020, 10:37

Hi all,
In light of recent government advice re Corona virus, it is without doubt, our only option to cancel all our club meetings including the June 2020 annual gala at the Rugby Club until further notice.
Many of our members and visitors fall into the "at risk" group and we all need to look after each and everyone at this time. The Rugby club has cancelled all it events at the venue at the same time .We will keep you all informed as to when and if we can reschedule our gala and events so until then please keep well, stay safe and look after each other. ( Keep up the playing too!)
Love Linda and Ian x
old romantic
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Joined: 16 Sep 2009, 16:50

Re: East Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club

Postby abstamaria » 17 Mar 2020, 10:53

That is prudent. We on this big island of Luzon will be on “enhanced quarantine” starting midnight tonight, with movement outside homes restricted. Almost all businesses have shut down in this unprecedented emergency. I hope they are able to create a vaccine soon.

Yes, if one knows the Shadows, one is most likely at risk.

Keep well, all.

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Re: East Yorkshire Shadows Guitar Club

Postby AlanMcKillop » 17 Mar 2020, 16:05

Sorry to hear that Linda, but agree it’s necessary in the current climate.
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Location: Motherwell, Lanarkshire

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