SHADOWING HANK - latest tour dates

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Re: SHADOWING HANK - latest tour dates

Postby MeBHank » 16 Feb 2020, 13:36

Moderne wrote:Good luck with the gigs! Any venues in the Worcester/Birmingham area in the pipeline? Did you get the set-lists?

Hi Clive, the search in the Midlands is ongoing. Unfortunately I've not received anything from you. Try an email to shadowinghank AT

Gatwick1946 wrote:I was wondering if anyone on this forum could advise as to whether either of the venues in the south, could be classed as a bit difficult for persons who can only walk a short distance with assistance.

Both Station Theatre and Hanger Farm have good access, Christopher. I would say they are similarly accessible in terms of the approach on the road, especially with sat nav, and although I'm more familiar with the stage doors I don't think FOH access to either auditorium is much of a challenge in terms of steps or distance.

lalosa wrote:I will be booking tickets for St Austell when they go on sale looking forward to the show.

Looking forward to seeing you, Philip!

Tickets for the first shows are selling well, folks! Get yours before it's too late!
Justin Daish
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Re: SHADOWING HANK - latest tour dates

Postby MeBHank » 28 Feb 2020, 00:56


Tickets for Doncaster Little Theatre are now on sale! Book by calling 01302 340422 or click here for tickets: After such a great reception last year tickets for this small venue will sell quickly, so make sure you don't miss out!

Oh, and... Louth Riverhead Theatre, the first show of the year, has SOLD OUT! With tickets selling well for the following night in Darlington it looks like the Shadowing Hank project is kicking off 2020 with a bang! I can't wait to get started! (Well, I do have a couple of bits and pieces to rush to sort before the first show, but at least putting bums on seats isn't an issue!)

Justin Daish
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Re: SHADOWING HANK - latest tour dates

Postby David Martin » 07 Mar 2020, 08:42

Had the great pleasure of seeing Justin's Shadowing Hank show last night. Simple view? This is so much more than a man with a red guitar playing Shads tunes to backing tracks. Justin has made great efforts to look like Hank and adopts his mannerisms - even his jokes... But more than that, Justin can PLAY like Hank, and by that, I don't means just the electric guitar sounds, but his manner of playing. This is most evident in the acoustic numbers - he sounds like Hank playing acoustic!

The staging of this show is quite amazing, given this is a one man show... Justin's comprehensive lighting effects rigs, complete with programmed synchronization with all the music creates a real "big stage" experience. The. choice of music is clever too... All the old hits, plus two or three Cliff vocals, added to a good selection of Hank's more recent solo stuff. A real tapestry of the man's work.

And, my, how this sell out audience loved it. Go and see this... It will bring you joy.

Well done, Justin... and thanks!
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Re: SHADOWING HANK - latest tour dates

Postby djnevster » 08 Mar 2020, 16:20

Congratulations on a fantastic show in Darlington last night, not just the guitar playing and the attention to detail, but equally important a great rapport with the audience and giving people a good night out. Hope to see back up North again soon.
regards, Neville

PS perhaps it was the beer but I thought the guy on the inflatable guitar was trying to play the right notes to Flingel Bunt?
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