Happy Birthday, Guv'nor!

The Shadows, their music, their members and Shadows-related activity by former members of this community

Happy Birthday, Guv'nor!

Postby martcaster » 09 Feb 2020, 11:33

Never been a great one for birthdays, but can't let the occasion of The Guvnor's 'Big One' pass without tribute. Brian has

consistently inspired me and many others by his approach to his craft. Always experimenting with new rhythms, never

'flash' in style; play for the song is the key. Could go on and on (and often do) but suffice to say that, whilst Buddy

was undoubtedly the greatest, when asked "who's your favourite?" I never hesitate. Brian Bennett!! A very Happy Birtday,

Guv'nor! And thanks, once again, for so much.
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Re: Happy Birthday, Guv'nor!

Postby drakula63 » 09 Feb 2020, 12:47

80 today! Good grief! I remember in 1980 I sent Brian a 40th birthday card via EMI. Where have all the years/decades gone? Happy Birthday!

Let's all watch and listen to this, shall we...?

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Re: Happy Birthday, Guv'nor!

Postby iefje » 09 Feb 2020, 13:51

Happy 80th birthday Brian and hopefully many more!
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Joined: 18 Sep 2009, 16:00

Re: Happy Birthday, Guv'nor!

Postby bor64 » 09 Feb 2020, 17:41

Manny happy returns Guv'nor!!!

Cheers Rob&Anja

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