Clem Cattini book

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Clem Cattini book

Postby MikeAB » 04 Jan 2020, 19:17

Just started Clem Cattini's book and quite early on he states with great certainty that Joe Moretti was the guitarist on Diamonds, Scarlet O'Hara and Applejack. Was he mistaken on the first two of these?
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Re: Clem Cattini book

Postby George Geddes » 04 Jan 2020, 19:43

To the best of my knowledge, Jet played on Diamonds, Joe on the other two.

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Re: Clem Cattini book

Postby JimN » 05 Jan 2020, 02:27

Even Joe himself never claimed to have played on Diamonds, or even necessarily to have yet had anything to do with Jet or Tony when it was recorded in late 1962.
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Re: Clem Cattini book

Postby MartcasterJunior » 05 Jan 2020, 03:06

Having read the book, I don't think minute-detail-accuracy is one of its selling points.
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